So many wonderful memories of time spent with Ron and Gill. In the fall of 1999, we took an eleven day cruise through the Panama Canal. We were fortunate to be seated at a table for eight for dinner. This is how we met six wonderful people and have made so many great memories together. Over the 11 days we got to know the six others and we just ‘clicked’ to become longtime friends. We were all from different areas of the country. Norm and Jeanette (mother/son) were from the east coast of the US, Mark and Chris were from California, Ron and Gill from England and we were from the Midwest (Indiana). We became known as the ‘Cruise Group’ although we did lots of trips other than cruises. We went on several Caribbean cruises and one to Alaska. We all went to Ron and Gill’s home in 2003 and had a wonderful time. Their hospitality was wonderful and as you know Gill is an EXCELLENT cook. We did a lot of touring and then would all come back to their home and continue visiting. We all took a two week tour of Scotland in 2004. Ron planned this trip and was an excellent tour guide. We covered lots of Scotland and saw amazing scenery and experienced some really nasty weather in the Northern part of Scotland. One day Gill made a picnic and we stopped along the road in a beautiful vista and enjoyed the sunshine and friendship. In 2005, we all went on a cruise and Ron and Gill came back to our house for Thanksgiving with all our family. There were about 25 here. A Thanksgiving never goes by that we don’t mention the one they spent with us. In 2008, we took a three week cruise from California to Hawaii with Ron and Gill. We got to spend a lot of time together since we were at sea two weeks and then each port in Hawaii we rented a vehicle and took trips around the islands. They came back to our house after the cruise. In 2009, Larry and I went to England to visit them. We enjoyed visiting the towns and going to tea rooms and they took me to an Italian restaurant for my birthday. Great memories. Later that year, all eight of us met in New England and toured the area together. We stayed at an amazing Lodge in Maine and stayed in a unique inn in Vermont. We sat out on Ron and Gill’s balcony having a drink and freezing. Then six of us stayed in a condo Ron and Gill rented through their travel club. Another great time together, touring Cape Cod, Rhode Island and surrounding areas. This is the last time we were all eight together. In 2011 we were staying in Phoenix, Arizona for a month so Ron and Gill came and stayed with us for a week. Larry and Ron took a plane ride over the Grand Canyon which Ron loved. Then they had a condo in Sedona, Arizona so we stayed with them a week and met Mark and Chris. Ron had always wanted to drive across the states because he was familiar with NY, Florida and California but not the other states. They rode home with us from Sedona which is about 1700 miles. I think that was enough of driving across the states. They spent a few days with us and flew home. We kept in touch by email. We did not see them again until January 2019. It was like we had never been apart. We met them in Florida and took a Caribbean cruise and then returned to Fort Lauderdale and spend four days with them. So thankful we had this time together. So many great memories. Larry said the one thing that stood out about Ron was his analytical mind. He had to rationalize everything and it was very hard to get him to change his mind about anything. He was an outstanding history buff and definitely knew his history. We will be toasting Ron tomorrow. Love to Gill and all the family. He was a wonderful man.